Sunday, January 12, 2014

I Don't See Race (That's Why I Stick Up For Only One.)

"Every party's got a winner and a loser/I'm jumping out of the game - feel like the referee."
Been here before - now I don't have enough ownership to participate.

American conservatism's joined the British in losing all meaning, so the "struggle" isn't worthy. 

I'm searching out DVDs at the library (yawn) knowing the Tea Party's never supported Christie, our only winning candidate, to begin with.

It's McCain/Obama again - no political self-interest, awareness, or strategy - knowing they're facing Hillary after all the damage their brand of conservatism has done to deflate the Republican Party, conservatism itself, and their own image.


 As the post-Romney/Trayvon/Government shutdown Darlings of the Delusional, they must be thinking - after this third (forth?) devastating political loss - they'll merely pick from Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, etc. and what the general public perceives The Tea Party as won't matter.

They can't see it - but test their theory yourselves:

Would you vote for this man?

1 comment:

  1. Hahahahahah! Yeah...him or Elsa there...I think I'll pass on both. Their choices in clothing style are a bit drab and unappealing to me.

