Sunday, October 6, 2013

Who Doesn't Want To Be Friends With Who? (Answered) Who Is Destroying The Country And Why? (Answered)...

Yesterday, I got food poisoning and almost died, because I passed out driving home and, if my friend hadn't taken the wheel as I did so, I wouldn't be outraging (some of) you with this Racial Dot Map again - isn't it fucking great?!? 

There's a dot for everyone in the United States and, white folks, you - as the blue dots - are famous. You dominate the landscape like, well, like our skies are blue. Let me give you some perspective, racially speaking:

This is everybody else. AND THIS IS YOU.

So when the NYT reports "officials said the timing of the two raids [in Libya and Somalia today] was coincidental," but "the simultaneous attacks are bound to fuel accusations that the administration was eager for a showy victory," and you wonder - who is paranoid and hostile enough that they'll "fuel accusations"? All you've got to do is look at the Racial Dot Map and there you go.

It comes in very handy for explaining all kinds things.

Which is great, because - there's so many clueless white people - I even get tired of explaining why I can get tired of explaining,...

1 comment:

  1. I consider the "fuel accusations" to be irresponsible media pandering -- and if certain people take the bait, they are, well, stupid.

    Taking out some terrorists is something to be applauded by both sides no matter who the president is (and the ones that haven't -- and you know who you are -- should be kicked in the ass; this isn't a game after all!).

    Personally, I hope they got a good intel haul (that's more important, imhao, that even killing the suckers).

