Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Mitt Romney Knew He Would Lose After I Said He Would

Looks like the fraud from the fraud religion pulled a fraud - and none of these geniuses caught it:

This same strategist told us that these simulations never showed Romney being more likely to win than Obama, even after the first debate when the polls narrowed.

I can't tell these people anything - this delusion is fixed - better to let it run it's course:

They'll burn out like a fever,...


  1. But, but...don't you know...anyone who told people Mitt stank on ice and was a sure loser just didn't know what they were talking about.

    And didn't like Mormons (and for the record, I still don't like Mormonism...individual Mormons are a case by case basis, but the religion is for the birds).

    It was those low information voters...no it wasn't! Mitt stank on ice! The first step in getting over something is to realize when you might be wrong, and possibly have been lied to in order to get you to believe in something wrong.

    Yeah, that's for any conservative/Republicans out there listening...you got hoodwinked, and uh...set yourselves free (I heard that somewhere before).


    *by the way, has Mitt, that thoroughly repectable, clean guy that he is, ever given all the donations from his campaign back? or were those non-refundable? I ask because I haven't heard anything about it.

  2. It is time to move on from Mitt. I am sorry Perry decided to take muscle relaxants just before a debate, but shit happens. Lighten up every body.

  3. EBL -- you need to tell that to your buddies.
    I'm tired of listening to reasons why anybody who didn't vote for him are stupid, lazy, traitors, whatever.
    And from there the resentment just fans out.

    I'd be more than happy if the GOP would move on and lighten up. I'd really be ecstatic if they'd move on AND learn a valuable lesson or two. Unfortunately, that isn't happening.

    And Perry? Mr. Pray for rain? Guy came off as Thoroughly Oral Bill -- how could anybody look at him and not see shyster? He's in the same rank as Michelle Bachman. That's not "moving on" in a very successful way imhao.

    I don't really have a problem with religious people persay, but I do have a problem with tent revival snake oil types.
