Wednesday, October 9, 2013

"Lose One For The Gipper": The New Republican Slogan

They don't get any real-er "conservative" than the Ace Of Spades Headquarters, so this has got to hurt:

They've been masturbating so furiously, they aren't aware of anything - but especially how they look -  right now,...

1 comment:

  1. The comments section is rather interesting.

    I've always called the bubble people on the left "ivory tower intellectual idiots", trying to find a good title for the bubble people that have sprouted up on the right.

    And yes, somebody needs to slap both of them (or toss some cold water on them, perhaps that's less violent and more nice); this is everybody's country/lives they are goofing with here. At the very least they should no longer be allowed to retire back to their ivory towers and their (wherever the right goes) to get away from it all when the shit hits the fan...they should not be allowed to get off free and easy after the damage they've both done, nor wash their hands of the mess they've created.

