Thursday, October 10, 2013

God's Only Ever Had One Plan (And That's My Misery)

Boy, it sure is comforting to know I'm the crazy one:

There are lots of religious people who don't believe we're playing out a prophetic checklist, and lots of non-religious people who do.

Look at our pop culture -- how many futuristic movies automatically assume an impending collapse of human society? Just this year we've had Elysium (about an apocalyptic economic collapse), World War Z (zombie apocalypse), Oblivion ( alien apocalypse), After Earth (environmental apocalypse), Pacific Rim (giant monster apocalypse), The Host (alien apocalypse), Dredd (societal breakdown in the wake of Armageddon), and The Purge (violent societal breakdown). On TV you've got The Walking Dead (zombie apocalypse) and Revolution (a world torn apart by a nonsensical plot and two-dimensional characters). None of those are Christian shows, yet all assume that we're living in the end times. 

 I hear ya - if we stopped this madness in society, we'd be so much worse off, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah: 

My reminder, every day for the rest of my life, of how my silly childhood desires, for even a semi-normal life, should've killed me long ago,...

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