Wednesday, April 3, 2013

It's No Wonder Prince Has Remade "Let's Go Crazy"

 Ann Althouse cribbed this line from Matt Tiabbi of Rolling Stone:
This morning's David Brooks column on same-sex marriage was one of the weirdest, most mean-spirited things I've ever seen in The New York Times.
See, this is why I bag on the dumb blonde and could give a shit about Rolling Stone, too. "The weirdest"? Did they, both, miss The New York Times article (I linked to yesterday) about pet psychics? That was perfectly sane, compared to David Brooks' thoughts on gay marriage, right? 
And, if it isn't, we can't count on Ann Althouse or Matt Tiabbi to tell us, can we? Why not? Because they're both ethical bottom feeders, that's why: 

 These people - now arguing for unknown "rights" and demanding we change - they're disturbed. 

 BTW - Here's the Prince song. It sucks, like all his stuff since becoming a megalomaniac...

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