Sunday, November 9, 2008

Indecent People Who Don't Exist (Are Talking)

"As a career politician, he has been required by his profession to face opponents and defeat them if he wants to get his way. Division is what politicians do. He's got to know this, even if his blissed-out followers don't.

...Obama's theatrical gift is such that his listeners seldom pause to think about what he's saying. He communicates through a kind of subverbal music, half-heard and absorbed rather than cogitated on.

...You will note too that he declares his contempt for a politics that pits Republicans against Democrats. Republicans pitted against Democrats? Horrifying. Please make it stop.

And of course Obama's chief pledge is to make it stop. He'll be elected and unity will ensue. But how? It goes without saying that the easiest way to unify the country is to eliminate those elements within it that make trouble for the unifier. Stalinists and Nazis were terrific at unifying countries,...but in dealing with the wayward elements, he has other options. He can declare that the nonunifiers are philosophically or morally indecent. Or he can pretend they don't exist.

Obama does both,..."
-- Andrew Ferguson, on the Obama fantasy (of unity) his cultish supporters have lulled themselves into believing is real, when the opposite is The Weekly Standard.

Enjoy this moment, people - savour it - because it ain't lasting long, and is already being (quickly) followed by:

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