Saturday, November 1, 2008

Geraldo Rivera Admits The Obvious: Barack Obama Is The Hippie's 1960's Wet Dream

And there you have it - from an official member of the flock: Barack Obama's rise (and the reason few will listen to, or care about, the dangerous implications of his candidacy is because the same stupid fucking hippie cultists of the '60's, who brought this country so many other miseries, now - for the sake of their own egos - want to bring our country another one, really fucking bad. Damn it, I've got to stop writing or else I'm going to say something really shitty about these anti-American weasels, because I really can't stand how little they give a damn about the rest of us - but, especially, how little they give a damn about the country. O.K., I'ma stop. I've got to, because if I don't, I'm going to say something that I might really regret. Like - no, stop. Stop now. Not another word. Just go away.

Help me out, folks - I'm seething with:


  1. Hey, it's called `The Macho Response' - let that rage out, you know you want to.

  2. I don't know where this (liberal) idea that being macho equals "rage" - I see it as common sense - but, hey, if that's what it is, I'll keep it:

    Gets me up in the morning, y'know?

  3. read your own blog and maybe youll figure it out. common sense? bullshit. and everyone knows that macho is just a cover.

  4. ma·cho [mah-choh]


    1. having or characterized by qualities considered manly, esp. when manifested in an assertive, self-conscious, or dominating way.

    2. having a strong or exaggerated sense of power or the right to dominate.

    3. assertive or aggressive manliness; machismo.

    4. an assertively virile, dominating, or domineering male.

    [Origin: 1925–30, Americanism < Sp: lit., male < L masculus; see masculine]

    See? Nothing about "rage" in there. And do you see the source? "Americanism". Got a problem with that?

    If you do, there's something wrong with you, fellow American.

  5. Watch who you're calling a liberal, Crack Emcee.

    I say real men occasionally let go and get in touch with their masculine side. It's what testosterone is for.

  6. "Watch who you're calling a liberal, Crack Emcee."

    Fair enough, Johnny, fair enough. But you started it with this NewAgey "let that rage out" nonsense. It can give a guy the wrong impression.

    "I say real men occasionally let go and get in touch with their masculine side."

    See what I mean? I'm not "occasionally" a man, and I don't have anything to "get in touch" with - I've always been me. That's all NewAge hooey talk. A pastel way to admit to mental problems, like split personality, which would explain/reveal an inconsistent world-view. Sorry, I mean no disrespect, but there it is. I'm just not a part of the outlook, and have always found it a destructive part of the NewAge Movement to promote. I'm happy to be a man, feel no embarrassment or problem with it, and think any man who isn't has bought into a feminist lie about our worth, and role, in society. As Camille Paglia admits, we're responsible for the majority of great works in the world, and that's something to embrace - not run from or deny.

    Which raises a question:

    If you're only "occasionally" "in touch" with your maleness, what are you the rest of the time?

  7. Crack Emcee, I see where you're coming from but I can't agree entirely. There actually is some truth to some of the things the New Agey types believe, it's just that they take things to absurd extremes and ignore empirically verifiable facts to an absurd extent.

    There is a difference between rationality and feelings even though both are, in reality, intimately entwined. The New Agers have just got far too much in touch with their feelings. And, given their world-view is not based on reason, you're not going to change their minds with reason - so a rock would likely be much more useful.

    But even science is based ultimately on faith. And our happiness is ultimately based on our feelings.

    I think, though perhaps it's just the people I hung out with when I was younger, that men like to fight and they like to win - and by fight I mean an actual fist, feet, and elbows fight - and it's just not the done thing to admit that today. (And it's why teenage boys particularly need strong male role models and a clear and unambiguous moral compass to steer by.)

    On a more practical note, if I was to start on punching out stupid mouth-breathing retards who are annoying me with their crazy nonsense, it would be the Task of Sisyphus. And I'm just getting too old for that.

    As to where I am most of the time, people are always asking me that and clearly I don't understand the question - I'm searching for happiness where and whenever I can find it and isn't that what everyone is doing? And if not, why not?

    If you really want a scientific answer as to why I'm occasionally one thing then occasionally the other, do a Google search for Michael Gazzaniga and his work.

  8. Johnny,

    Unfortunately, I don't have time to answer you in-full, but I would like to say two things:

    1) This was a good, thoughtful, honest answer and I thank you for it. I get so many yahoos on here that to read something so reasonable is shocking. You've gotten my day off to a great start. Really - thank you, man.

    2) "I'm searching for happiness where and whenever I can find it and isn't that what everyone is doing? And if not, why not?"

    How about because we're adults, and there are also serious issues to deal with as well? They can provide a sense of happiness too. Life ain't just about "happiness" anyway (another NewAge lie, "the pursuit of happiness" be damned) and there are more ways to get it than what can be implied by the phrase "where and whenever I can find it". (I won't go there.)

    I will do a search for Michael Gazzaniga. If he's as smart as you strike me as being, it'll be a pleasure to.

    I gotta go - big up,


  9. another NewAge lie, "the pursuit of happiness" be damned

    Why stop there. Theres a whole constitution just waiting for you

  10. Anon,

    Jesus Christ, must you be so literal? Didn't you catch the spirit of what I was saying at all? Damn.

    I swear, some of you people can make blogging so hard.

  11. I'm sure the Crack Emcee is prepared to reflect on the preamble to the US Constitution and realises that my idea of `the pursuit of happiness' is not congruent with `New Age' warmed-over hippies' views of their so-called lives.

    IMHO, if you're not searching for happiness you're going about life very wrong. However, some people seem to have seriously gone off the rails in their pursuit... the Crack Emcee appears to have noticed. It's not so much what they're trying to do, mayhap, it's how they're going about it that's the problem - for them and for the rest us. Stupidity rather than malice or evil.

    I believe it was your man John Adams who remarked, "[The US] Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for the government of any other."

  12. The Bell Toll
    I can hear the faint sound of a bell as I come near
    the sound gets louder and starts to pound with each
    step I make its like it pulling me, What is this
    sound that magnetise me, I think its raping a
    tune,as I get closer it becomes clear the tune says
    Let Freedom Ring, Good God Almighty Let Freedom Ring.

    Herb Mathis
