Monday, November 10, 2008

Africa's A Country With 57 Countries And America's A Country With 57 States And I'm One Black Man The Same Age As Obama And Somewhere It's Got To Stop

After that Sarah Palin rumor that went around, if I started writing about all people this reflected badly on I'd never be able to stop. You gotta remember Matthews's fumble happened after Sarah Palin's foreign policy guy, Steve Biegun, had said her Africa comment was probably “a fumble of words.”

But such an obviously baseless rumor hasn't stopped the supposedly "smart" and honest Obots from spreading that anonymous rumor far and wide as part of their continuing distortion of reality, so that Palin will appear as an idiot governor who didn't possess enough executive experience, while OPRAH WINFREY'S CANDIDATE is a "brilliant" and honest socialist who's only been documented telling us stupid lies repeatedly:

Ladies and Gentlemen, I've only been pushed/compelled/whatever to studying the effects of all these NewAge cults on society for three years, but honestly, at this point - even after witnessing The People's Temple, Heaven's Gate, and the various crimes and murders of Your Black Muslim Bakery - their reach, power, and scope is, still, blowing my fucking mind. They've now claimed our country in full. I don't know how to deal with that.

The NewAgers have actually pulled it off - they've got the upper hand by working through another black guy - and, somehow, I've been left as kind of my country's canary in the coal mine. (How many other black guys have they been seducing?)

Because I couldn't be moved to believe in what doesn't make sense, and (because of my talents) I'm not impressed by authority or empty celebrity, I'm probably one of the few honest black men left from these last couple of emotionally immature generations. Now that's a hell of a thought. This shit is just fucking weird. Oh well, what's there left to say except:

As crazy as it sounds, I think your supporting this blog is the only answer to this "Barack" problem, because it seems that I alone possess:

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