Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Black Bigotry Won't Lead Us To Freedom Either

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I'm having a conversation with someone online and just started getting kind of passionate about things, so I thought I'd let the rest of you in on it, so you can see where this blog is coming from.

I'm probably doing no better than the rest of you financially - maybe even worse - but I sincerely want you to know how I feel (and know I mean every word of it) from the bottom of my heart. Here's a link to the conversation.

I'm going to put the last post of the anonymous poster up and then my answer - with no spelling corrections or anything - just the raw feed from my mind to y'all. I'm posting it because it's how I came to the position I take here, and now, on this historic day of a presidential debate, I want you to know where I stand because, as anyone can see, I'm voting for John McCain no matter what happens tonight, and I want everyone to know one black American's reasons why.

O.K., here's the post of my challenger, followed by my reply:

"Are you claiming to be some sort of detached and completely objective observer, with no emotional connection to the events and personages he writes about?

Or are you instead an engaged and partisan commentator with strong opinions and some fairly obvious biases?

If you didn't have strong opinions, why would you even bother maintaining this blog?

Of course your commentary is biased, that's kind of the whole point.

Given that you're the same guy who earlier claimed to have rejected all belief systems, while simultaneously denying that he was nihilist, I can only conclude that this must be just another area you simply haven't bothered to think through clearly yet."

The Macho Response:

"Excuse me, but I came by my positions honestly - I used to be a Democrat; I know what's up: I know how Bill Clinton killed Ricky Ray Reckter to prove he was "tough on crime"; how he attacked Sister Soulja so he wouldn't be "outniggered";

how he lied every step of the way - including looking directly into the camera during the Monia Scandal - with Hillary by his side while she also manned the "war room", claiming all those women were liars.

You can't fool me about the nature of Democrats and want they'll allow to attain power.

Even as a Democrat I was disgusted, but was so trapped by the diversionary lie of race that I didn't see I had an out: just leave.

It took living in France - and returning to those idiotic protests - that got me to see where all this nonsense leads: to being taxed until you can't breathe, until you don't want to get up in the morning because there's no point - you'll never save enough money to move up as Americans clearly do;

where you've got no fight left in because your mind is so "open" anybody can talk you into accepting lies - and telling them (what did Fran Liebowitz (sp?) say?

"Lying is 'talking' to the French".

Now I'm back and the Left is screaming "The French don't agree!"

Fuck them.

Fuck all of you that won't stand up for the greatest country on Earth and can't admit how good it's been to you.

I've traveled, to both the capitals of Europe and Third World countries, and none of them compare to my home.

I may not agree with every plank of the Republican Party but I know, compared to the Democrats, they get that much.

So yes, I am an unbiased observer - I haven't sold my soul but confronted it - and found the Democrats to be the ultimate problem we face;

for inflaming race and sex issues until no one understands they're superficial. For squandering our money and treating us as their personal slush fund.

For refusing to acknowledge you can love your country without being pissed at it. And on and on and on.

It's all a lie and Barack Obama and his ugly "friends" are the representatives of it.

I know it's a lie because, damn it, I'm no longer part of it and know we'd be so much better off without it. I'm sure you know it too, but you just don't have the guts to embrace it because - wow - that would be so uncool, right?

Like the French, you want to be "sophisticated", always trying to act like you know more than you do without understanding they do the French have to do that: they've lost everything else. Power, influence, the ability to grow and prosper.

That ain't us - but it will be if we keep sucking up to their ideas of what we are:

They've got NO black politicians - none - but think they have the right to tell us who to vote for.

They have NO black politicians - none - but have the nerve to say we're racist unless we accept this empty suit merely because he's black.

They have NO black politicians - none - and don't plan on doing anything about it themselves in their own country.

No, they'll just keep demanding we do what they say, when - just like the Democrats - they've been nothing but a contrarian (sp?) force, driving us apart rather than closer together.

I'm in touch with our cities and the "fly-over country" with a fine appreciation for both.

I'm not going to slight the "Real Americans" that the French don't accept as "authentic" because of our history - fuck that - we're better than that.

We're better than them: NOBODY TELLS US WHAT TO DO.

I'm with John McCain - and, yes, Bush before him - because they understand that. McCain's not going on some stupid tour, apologizing for who we are, like some self-obsessed assholes overseas, who haven't done half of what we have (in any category of life) are somehow our moral superiors.

They're not. They're people, just like us, but - damn it - we try harder.

We owe them nothing.

What we owe now is to ourselves: to stop the insanity and get our mojo back - and we can't do that with lying Barack and his insane clown posse of socialists, communists, race-baiters, and other assorted liars.

All we're going to get from them is weak.

We'll be at each others throats forever - "Eternal War Must Never End" - it's all they know.

All they've ever practiced.

For America to live again they must be defeated."


  1. CMC, once again, another brilliant post. This is why I read your blog and why I went back several months to read your older posts. You have such a unique perspective and I respect you so much.

    Just a quick thought: have you noticed that when a Republican candidate comes from an intact home and is raised with strong parents, he is dismissed as a spoiled brat? Both McCain and Bush came from strong families with long traditions and both are criticized by the left for being out to impress or surpass their father's achievements. Contrast this with Bill Clinton and Barack Obama who both came from single parent families. They are never accused of playing politics to please their absent parents. What is it the slimey Rolling Stone article on McCain called it...a 'daddy complex'? Obama is never accused of just wanting to be president because he has a 'daddy complex'.

  2. It was a good debate - I actually got to watch this one on TV. I don't see any of the empty suit stuff with Obama though; he's razor sharp when it comes to answering the question or rebutting something his opponent said.
    It makes a nice change from the past to have eloquent and focussed speakers.

    I think this whole 'Democrats are liars' thing is a bit forced and OTT since there's been no shortage of subterfuge on the Republican side. The American people shouldn't get caught up in sideshows about how they are perceived OS but then neither should they be wrapped up in caustic faux patriotic tripe. The only important things are jobs, health, education and the economy.

    This debate managed to focus on that for the most part, instead of getting sidetracked by whom knew what weird domestic terrorist from forty years ago who harms buildings and not people. Conservatives only care about the candidate having criminal associations if they're on the other side. Their finely honed sense of outrage only fires in one direction.

  3. Kerrio,

    Thank you so much. I didn't answer this post immediately because (believe it or not) unless I'm performing music onstage, I'm not too good at receiving praise. It's almost like I'm more comfortable fighting the loonies than hanging with my allies. Don't ask me why - I want to be liked - it just takes me a moment to wrap my head around the idea that somebody actually does. Sorry. What I really want you to know is I wasn't ignoring you and your kind words are sincerely appreciated.

    About your "daddy complex" observation:

    Yes, now that you mention it, I have noticed that. It's one of those weird things that most people don't pick up on because they don't spend as much time with the MSM, but it's almost like intact families - and especially father/son relationships - are suspect to today's uber-cynical "journalists". Look at the way Tim Russert's relationship with his father was oogled, like it was a zoo oddity, rather than what should the natural state of things: a boy trying to emulate, please, and seek the approval of the man who taught him the most about life because he had all the love in the world invested in him.

    Since I admire single mothers who try to do the right thing, I'm reluctant to say what I think about the single mother scenarios that produced Barack and Bill. Both of them are such liars, and so willing to do anything for expediency - and since their mother's are deceased - the network of bile my brain would have to process (which I already have a taste of just by writing this much) is something I'd care to avoid right now, if you don't mind: just trying to have a nice day, y'know? And I sometimes have a weak gag reflex around certain subjects, Bill Clinton being one of them. Shudder.

    Thanks for writing.


    You didn't see the empty suit stuff because (like many) you don't understand what was being said. Looking sharp - and actually being sharp - are two totally different things. I think about that a lot when I hear folks saying they want Barack because he'd be a smart and eloquent president. What they're actually saying is they want somebody who'd take them for fools because he can out lie them - and is more than willing to do so - as he proved so well during the debate.

    "I think this whole 'Democrats are liars' thing is a bit forced and OTT since there's been no shortage of subterfuge on the Republican side."

    I hate having to repeat myself with you like I'm talking to a child: Democrats believe "everybody does it" while Republicans believe in punishment. It's a fundamental difference in outlook that produces a fundamentally different result in society. It's extremely important and if I'm pushing "faux patriotic tripe", it's only because you don't know me personally. And any country that limits its political dialogue to "jobs, health, education and the economy" will likely elect Hitler.

    You let me know how you feel when a communist mass murder shows up in South Wales's political scene, hiding behind a black guy, O.K.? I mean, I like how easily you buy Obama's talking point: he says Ayers doesn't matter and - viola! - you buy it. Why do I like that so much?

    Because, thank goodness, your dumb ass can't vote here. (smile)

  4. Hitler was elected for a number of reasons. One of which is, he was the only one who could spring the country out of one of the worst depressions in history.

    He moved both swiftly and furtively, despatching allies as they threatened to become rivals for power, nodding to democracy until a pivotal event - like the bombing of the Reichstag, could justify harsher measures and greater control.

    Orange alerts are enough to scare anyone. And what was that book you were taking out of the library called?

    You can see illicit power broking on the Democrat side, and so can I, but I see it as being roughly equivalent to the Republican side. Both sides play rough, both sides can raise fantastic amounts of money for their cause, both sides have had bigots scattered through their ranks but also decent aspirational leaders who were right for that time in history. Sometimes they managed deeply flawed individuals who were also inspirational.

    John McCain was right eight years ago. With a more far Right deputy and the advancings of age, he's a risk.

    And, Obama, whatever his faults or naked ambition, can turn on a dime and present a formidable ability to think on his feet. When you're coming from my perspective - where many leaders get to the top because they are ruthless or useful in the position - then someone who understands the issues is of vital importance.

    I like that McCain - and Palin - cast themselves as something new. Not because this presents any kind of cynicism: I believe McCain would try to put the brakes on spending. It just makes for a better challenge if both candidates are new propositions.

    That doesn't mean for one minute that you guys should not apply the blowtorch to the belly of objective truth. Go for it.

    Elections have become huge bunfights, if they weren't always.
